Esta imagen fué tomada en las afueras de la región de Guiria, Estado Sucre Venezuela, en un caserío cercano a la via que conduce a Macuro.

La zona es solitaria. y lo menos que me imaginaba era tropezar con una vivienda bastante cercana en sus características físicas a un rancho. Por las puertas abiertas pude ver que estaban trabajando con algo que me intrigaba. Nos permitieron la entrada, con cierto recato pero amables.

Al ver el espacio interior me sorprendí la gran cantidad de hojas de tabaco alineadas en grupos y diseminadas en los bancos, en el piso y sobre ellos. Dos personas eran las encargadas de elaborar el tabaco, eran sumamente diestros y rápidos y a medida que realizaban su tarea, no dejaban de hablar de su trabajo , de cómo sembraban el tabaco,de las hojas, de cómo sabían que la planta estaba para recoger la cosecha, de donde vendían, y todo lo demás de una verdadera industria casera.

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This image was taken in the outskirts of the region of Guiria, State of Sucre Venezuela, in a village close to the road that leads to Macuro.

The area is lonely, and the least that I imagined was to stumble upon a house quite simiar in its physical characteristics to a ranch. Through the open doors I could see that they were working with something that intrigued me. They allowed us entry, with a certain reserved but friendly modesty.

Seeing the interior space I was surprised by the large amount of tobacco leaves aligned in groups and scattered on the benches, on the floor and on them. Two people were responsible for making the cigars. They were extremely skilled and quick and as they did their work, they did not stop talking about the details of their tasks, how they sowed the tobacco, the leaves, how they knew when the plant was ready for harvesting, where they sold, and everything else you might need for a real cottage industry.

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